Forensic Engineers & Investigators

Work Place Accidents

It is a legal requirement to investigate work place accidents. Following the accident, it is necessary to determine the cause of the accident so that steps may be put in place to prevent it from recurring.

Capabilities and services:
  • Comprehensive investigation and reporting;

  • Interviewing of factual witnesses;

  • Reconstruction of accident details;

  • Collating historical information relevant to risk mitigation procedures and whether these were ‘as far as is reasonably practical’.

  • Liaison with legal and management personnel;

The investigation process

The process we follow mirrors that which the International Civil Aviation prescribe for investigating large accidents. This process relies on the facts being determined and reported separately from analyses and opinions. All relevant facts are investigated and determined. Some accident contexts are likely to require dialogue with legal personnel who will have their own process requirements to follow.

Incidents which don’t result in accidents may be able to be kept confidential. Here the emphasis is on prevention. We are specialists in uncovering and highlighting front end factors as discussed under organisational accident investigation. In discussing and portraying these, we strive to share these in collaborative and non-confrontational learning environments which we are skilled at facilitating.

Agricultural Harvester Accident

An agricultural crop harvesting company operated a machine that badly injured one of its operators. The OSH regulator imposed a prohibition notice preventing it from operating even though the harvest had not yet ended. The client engaged Prosolve Ltd to investigate the accident and put in place preventative actions to prevent the accident from recurring. This work had to be of a standard sufficient to convince the regulator to lift the prohibition notice and time was of the essence. We were successful; the prohibition notice was lifted and the machine resumed operating, this time safely. Not only did the regulator compliment us on our professionalism, but the client later fed back that the new safety system also improved the efficiency of the overall operation.
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