Forensic Engineers & Investigators
Root Cause Analysis
Root Cause Analysis (RCA) represents comprehensive investigation, assessment, evaluation and correction. All these are attributes which feature in the services that we provide. There are many types of investigative procedures used to carry out Root Cause Analysis and these are displayed graphically below :

One process for facilitating Root Cause Analysis is the ‘fishbone’ or cause and effect diagram. This diagram is useful for displaying the many factors that can contribute to an effect or consequence occurring and is a useful template for stimulating ideas and contributions in a group setting.

For non-blameful investigative processes, we believe in a team approach that consolidates the contributions of staff in order to help them implement the corrective strategies needed to prevent a recurrence. The fishbone diagram can be a useful tool to facilitate this process and implement the results from an exercise in Root Cause Analysis which is best undertaken with the type of comprehensive forensic engineering and investigative services that we provide.